Mariner Management in collaboration with Billhighway and researcher Kevin Whorton, Whorton Marketing & Research, launched this second edition of the chapter benchmarking study in late 2018. The survey was designed to gather industry data about association chapter programs. We also wanted to fuel the dialogue on what makes an effective chapter—and an effective chapter/association relationship.
How the survey worked? Between December 2018 and January 2019, we used a variety of channels, including ASAE’s Collaborate, to invite associations to participate in the chapter benchmarking survey. One hundred seventy-seven unique associations responded. In addition, a dozen associations participated in follow-up phone interviews. Associations in the survey included IMO (individual member organizations), hybrid organizations (individual and company memberships), trade associations, and nonprofit organizations (e.g., foundation, alumni). Slightly more than half are global, while a small percentage represent state organization.
It may be useful to also download or review Association Component Commonly Used Terms as guide to terminology in the report. Download the full report (free).