My good bud Cynthia D’Amour tagged me for a round of the “Five things you don’t know about me” game. I’ve watched (or say I followed) the game and often thought what I would say if tagged. Well the thinking is over.
But first a thought about the game – imagine if we took the time in our associations to tag members. Could that start some rich conversations? Maybe bring some people into the active roles? Even if they aren’t bloggers, you could play tag on your listserv.
Okay enough stalling … Cynthia tagged me as The Decision to Volunteer champion, but did you know
- I’m a mom to three boys … a lawyer (yes!), a high schooler with plans to be a doctor and a middle schooler who’s going to be as architect. So I’ll live in a great house with a doctor and lawyer at my beck and call.
- I completed my first triathlon (10 and counting so far) (1k swim, 40k bike, 10k run) in 1999 on a dare! Nothing compares to pitting yourself against your doubts and winning. Best part? My Dad surprised me by coming and I first saw him when I emerged from the water, then as I finished biking and yet again as I passed the final finish line!
- I was in the Washington Ballet’s Nutcracker – almost. I was in elementary school when I was selected at my ballet studio to try out; alas I was not the right size for the costume. Now I dance with a group, Five Dancing, and we buy our own so I don’t have to fit some elses.
- The toughest yes I’ve had to say is to opening a business with my husband. We opened the door of our association management company in January 2002 because we believed we could offer a better way to help chapters. We still believe and I’m glad I said yes to him (twice!).
- My favorite color is yellow. Not pink (that’s for you know who!).
Now I get to challenge five more people to share five things we don’t know. Here are my five:
- Nick Senzee – quiet blogger who’s moved to the other coast
- Kevin Whorton – association research-planning-marketing guru who’s guest blogs on Acronym. Guess he’ll have to reply on Twitter!
- Kivi Leroux Miller – a blogger who’s focused on nonprofits and become my new fav read
- Pat Troy – Next Wave Group, a virtual AMC, & guest blogger on Acronym
- Beth Kanter – a blogger who shares with my interest in ROI
Can’t wait to learn more!