Be Change Ready!

We just can’t stop talking about change! And why should we? It’s inevitable and sometimes so necessary!

On Wednesday, July 17, we sat down – virtually, that is – with 4 CRPs who are driving change within their organizations. The conversation was an honest look at the challenges that led to the search for change, some solutions (and some still in the process) to make it all work, and at least one additional change each of our guests still has on their wish list.

Listen in as we talk with…

⇒ Linda Norris Waldt CAE from US Composting Council (USCC) on how their multi-step program is helping bring chapters into better compliance and building greater success.

⇒ Jennifer Steffan from The Institute for Public Procurement (NIGP) on how the expansion of their leadership and ambassador programs have greatly improved the trust between chapters and HQ.

⇒ Tina Myers, CAE from SMPS on how they turned around a decrease in volunteer/member engagement by building trust through open communications and upgrading their programs.

⇒ JoAnna Leon of the Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC), a division of MHI on how and why they did a complete overhaul creating a system where specific groups focus on one area leading to a more cohesive community.

So grab yourself a cup of coffee or tea and sit back for a great conversation on making change happen!

p.s. Be sure to check out this post on past change webinar that explores the question … Big question: Reno, Remodel or Rebuild? Which would you choose?