In yesterday’s post on three ways to observe National Volunteer Week, one focused on reflecting on the value of your volunteer program. Here are couple of resources that might just help you in the reflection. So pull up a comfortable chair …
Return On Investment (ROI) for Volunteer Programs – this provides a formula and good info on calculating the value of your program; can you match National Council on Aging’s $8 return on every $1 invested? Stay a little longer on Tobi Johnson’s site because its packed with ideas!
Volunteers: How Much Is Your Time Worth? – this Associations Now post reflects the latest Independent Sector’s calculations, but I’ll challenge you to use your own profession’s average wage instead. Either way, the value is significant.
Career Coach: The Value of Volunteering – this Associations Now post makes a case for volunteering … it could be a case you can adapt to your assocaition (and hey, it might have a message for you personally!).
Why Invest in Community Leaders – a post that explores the why behind the money you are (or should be) spending on volunteers.
What are you reading and thinking about volunteer management?