This past month I’ve found a bounty of resources for associations looking to improve their chapter, or their chapter management and support. Some of these appeared this month and others are ones I just discovered (sorry I missed them earlier!).
- Tips for Coordinating with Chapters on Social Media – from the Lindy Dreyer at SocialFish.
- Social Media: General Guidelines / Best Practices for CPCU Chapters – a paper from CPCU Society.
- Useful slideshows for small staff professionals – from MemberClicks Splash Blog a great resource for your chapters which are the ultimate in small-staff groups!
- Sam Pettway on how governance will be different – here’s a peice from Acronym by Scott Briscoe to share with your boards and to ponder in nationally as you consider what needs to change to help chapters succeed.
- A cool example for recognizing chapters and leaders from Kim Howard.
- 4 Ways to move your audience from attention to engagement – while focused on presenters, this peice has a great message for chapters and for national staff trying to sell chapters to uninvolved members.
- Columbia Festival of the Arts gives audience a say in the show – crowdsourcing the low-tech way that’s a good model for chapters and other geographically-centralized groups.
- Three Questions that mobilize members to volunteer – Trish Hudson’s guest post on Wild Apricot Blog offers hot questions and tip card your chapters can use.