Philosophy 101

I’m in that “back-to-school” transition where we’re still trying to figure out schedules and supplies and just how early to wake the kids to be on time for the school bus and carpool. Amid all this flurry (and yes frustration at times) I endeavor to celebrate the start of a new learning journey. To that end, I generally try to put myself back in school in some way. That’s why I just fell in love with Real Simple‘s article Philosophy 101.

In this article, Mark Adams creates a crib sheet focusing on six Western philosophers. The one I intend to read more on is GWF Hegel who said “Nothing great has been and nothing great can be accomplished without passion.” Don’t look a term paper from me – my back-to-school journey’s are for self-satisfaction only.

If you head over Real Simple’s site, you’ll be able to read the full piece plus take a look at their reading list of introductory philosophy books. My first purchase may well be Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar…: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes, by Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein (Penguin, $12,

A or not, this is one class I think I’ll enjoy!

Tags: Truths