Keeping your blog fresh

Hi blog readers! A bit red face here at Mariner because we’ve been neglecting this blog a bit. Not because we don’t have anything to say trust me, we have plenty to say – but because like most of you, we’ve been busy as bees. Between flying back and forth across the county (mostly Peggy) and driving back and forth from PA (mostly Peter), not to mention several big projects (Peggy & Peter), we’ve been a bit crazy here. Of course that’s a pretty lousy excuse but there it is.

Our associations often struggle with the same thing, especially since they rely on volunteers who are often balancing a lot of balls in the air. In just the past few days, I’ve had two volunteers send me apologetic emails that they’re so mired in big projects that they’ve had to go on radio silence. No sweat, I told them.

Anyway, knowing that I need to step up my game, I googled “how to keep your blog up-to-date” and found these helpful posts (there is a lot of them!) on the very same subject. I know, I know … all this googling flies into the face of another recent blog that I posted: Stop googling and start talking. Let’s just put this under “what we’re reading” category.

Here’s what I found along with my favorite tips from each Use the ones you like the best and/or send to your volunteers.

3 Tips for keeping your blog updated when you have no time
Fav tip: Pencil it in (Set a Schedule). Need to do that now!

10 Ways To Get Content For Your Blog
Fav tip: Outsource your content.

5 Ways To Keep Your Content Marketing Fresh
Fav tip: Change your environment and perspective

5 tips for writing a blog that people actually want to read
Fav tip: Edit as much as you write

Writing Online Content for Distracted Readers
Fav tip: Write for your reader, not for Google.

Plus my own little insight into managing an association blog … Rethinking your blog.

How do you keep your blog fresh?