Your Guide to Reward, Recognize Chapter Volunteers

We hosted a spirited conversation on April 9 webinar all around association volunteers. Timed to precede National Volunteer Week (April 19), the discussion was framed around how do we authentically reward, recognize and support volunteers. Volunteers represent 20-25% of any association’s labor pool so they are critical to our ability to meet member needs and move our missions.

With the help of graphic note taker Mary Jo Neil of Drawn Dialog, we captured the ideas generated.

Looking for quick ideas for marking National Volunteer Week? Here are a few:

@Nina: a funny GIF thank you email

@Abigail: Handwritten thank you notes – they were a hit last year!

@Tristin: we’re posting profiles and highlights throughout the week on social media with a recap of all at @the end of week

@Michelle: social media campaign to get chapters to nominate local volunteers who are doing great things and we promote at the national level

@Lacey: create a hashtag & feature [volunteer] posts on our social accounts

@Michele: Special messages

@Abigail: Giveaways of gift card for chapter, customized merchandise, and free year of membership

One attendee’s comment is also sage advice for all of us managing volunteers:

@John: Phone call … realizing that sometimes they just need an ear to listen.

What to learn more: check out the full chat, view the slides, or listen to the recording.

While National Volunteer Week is a specific week in a specific month, showing volunteer appreciation should happen all year long. And for some organizations, there is a better time to host your week. One association does theirs during their annual meeting. Whatever the time or way, it is the doing that’s important.



post updated with links to recording, slides and chat 4/23/20