Looking for a list of jobs that can offer members micro and ad hoc volunteering? We’re curating a list right here! If you have a job to add, add a comment or send it to info[at]marinermanagement.com.
Connecting with Members:
- Provide professional advice (be on list for member referrals)
- Provide mentoring, coaching, tutoring for members (many of these are short term or one-up options)
- Recruit a member
- Get out the vote – share the buzz to drive member voting (SCTE)
- Day of Service – encourage member to volunteer in their community
- Call on new members to say hi and welcome to the group
- Be a new member buddy (one-time at an event or short-term job)
- Host a member meet-up
Sharing Knowledge:
- Writing reviews for books
- Guest blogger or contributor
- Speak or present a paper
- Participate on an expert panel
- Contribute to an issue paper or report
- Moderate or facilitate discussion groups (list serv, e-community)
- Review proposals for conferences or projects
- Review paper or proposal for publication
- Review research, conduct literature search/review
- Analyze data
- Submit paper or manuscript for publication
- Write proposals/grant applications or business plans
- Review accreditation or certification applications
- Prepare backgrounder for regulators, press, or other publics
- YouTube Tuesdays – members share tips & information via short video clips (NCURA)
- Serve on a writers pool to give comments and ideas as needed
- Raise funds
- Testify or present on behalf of the association to legislative or regulatory body
- Contact your representative
- Campus liaison (or company or large institutional member)
- Guest speaker at a college or high school class
- Give presentations at sister organizations
Sharing Input:
- Participate as test audience for videos, training programs, et al
- Product tester
- Beta-test products, website, tests
- Rating conference session proposals/potential topics
- Survey respondent
- Responding to social media posts
- Serve as a judge for awards program
- Provide a testimonial
Curating Content:
- Record a discussion at a session round table
- Video-tape or take pictures for association event
- Provide live Twitter chatter during meetings
- Start or contribute to social media posts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
- Moderate chat on webinar
- Interview members for short blog posts or articles
- Greeters – welcome attendees and direct them toward registration, coat check, seating, and so on
- Front desk – check in attendees when they arrive
- Set-up and tear-down – arrive early or stay late to help with assembly and disassembly of the event space
- Serve at table moderators
- Serve as runners to help as needed during the event (e.g., walking the mic around, restocking materials, handing out materials)
- Serve as speaker host to greet and make sure they have what they need
- Create the event playlist and run the sound track
- Run a quiz or other attendee engagement piece
- Social media guides – at computer stations, help attendees log in to LinkedIn and join the organization’s group
- Photo, video, and blogging – capture the essence of the event in a lot of different ways, then feed to the web team what should be shared on the web