We’ll Find Out What The Buzz About …

Thursday, July 9 is the day. It’s the day when we get to see if you can create an event, fill a room, get great reviews and make money without tapping any traditional marketing channels. Given the SOLD OUT sign on the registration page, I’m guessing it’s a day where we in the association and meeting planning world will find out the answer is yes.

I’m talking about Buzz2009 (see my first post What’s the Buzz?) the event of the year for association execs to explore social media. The content is jam-packed and the buzz has been strong so it’s probably a slam dunk.

But there’s a story behind the buzz that can also be a valuable case study and lesson in marketing – especially for association execs with limited budgets and a mandate to engage younger generations. The story has a chapter too on how we can connect social media and face-to-face. And there’s a story behind the story that is a case study and valuable lesson for associations who aren’t thinking outside the proverbial box.

Story 1: This event was powered by buzz! Lindy Dreyer and Maddie Grant have cranked every social media tool into high gear. They actually have given us all the roap map (check out their Social Fish Food and subscribe today!). We’ll see how it all unfolds tomorrow (follow #buzz09).

Story 2: Two individuals meet in an association, start hanging together and then create an event, hold it basically outside the association. And, here’s the kicker, engage many of the association pals in the process. Hmmm …

PS – they aren’t the only ones – think Scott Oser and Kevin Whorton‘s College of Association Marketing (next session July 16).

I’m traveling so will miss a seat in the room but thanks to Maddie and Lindy’s commitment to community I’ll have a ring side seat – and report back on the story behind the buzziest event.