Are you excited about ChatGPT?

Or are you terrified?

In our last free webinar of the year, we brought in our fav Nerdy BF Beth Z to sort out the pros and cons of this newest tool. Listen in here to get the full picture and read below for a snapshot:

The fun stuff: Beth began the webinar by taking Peggy’s intro and dubbing it in Italian then Gen Z speak! It was fun if not a bit scary at its accuracy! Good news…this definitely could hail the end of badly dubbed movies.

Tidbit: Did you know ChatGPT will be turning 1 year old on 11/30/23?

The uneasy stuff: According to a LinkedIn survey, there is a lot of anxiety (AI anxiety) surrounding ChatGPT.  More than 1/3 of respondents worry about falling behind on AI at work, and 56% are unsure of how to use AI in their jobs. There’s also a knowledge gap with 49% feeling they should know more about AI while 39% feel overwhelmed by potential AI job impact. Last but not least … nearly 40% surveyed have pretended to know more about AI than they do. After all, no one wants to seem to be behind the times.

But this only intensifies the need for association pros to look forward and learn to embrace AI.

The cool stuff: AI is still evolving (remember it’s still in its infancy) but AI is already changing the game in how we do our jobs. We’ve all heard how it can help with writing tasks but also think about social media, email/outreach, policies, data analysis, job description, image generation, and more. Be sure to check out how Beth uses AI to create an employee review by entering a brief description of an employee’s accomplishments.

Warning! Beware the fake apps! Only use

The exciting stuff: Coming soon, you will be able to create a custom GPT for a specific purpose. This is great news for associations! Using this feature, you’ll be able to create your own GPT private-access program based on your organizational information, which can then be offered to chapter volunteers and staff. Check out this post on 10 ways associations are using ChatGPT.

The ‘what can we do right now’ stuff: The ‘what can we do right now’ stuff: Start first by letting your chapters know that it’s okay to use! Offer opportunities for them to learn more about AI (pros and cons) and develop the skills they will need to move forward. Teach them how to create policy around using it and how they can use the tool effectively. Provide consistency throughout the association by providing written guidelines and guardrails.

The ‘how can I get started’ stuff: Give AI a whirl with Beth Z’s AI Challenge, a hands-on workshop where you can experiment. Also check out AI Cheatsheet: Guidelines for AI Use at Work. Finally, join Beth Z for her upcoming December webinar when she’ll celebrate ChatGPT’s 1st birthday, and talk more about how you can make the most out of it. Visit Beth Z’s website for more.!

Download these nifty handouts courtesy of Beth Z.

Have fun!

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash