A 2017 study from Upwork and Freelancers Union predicted more than half of the workforce will do freelance work in the next decade. Nearly 50% of millennials are freelancing already. A study of 1000 hiring managers also reported they expect up to 38% of full-time...
At CEX 18, we heard from many association execs that they needed to do something different for their components (chapters, affiliates, regions, etc.). They were facing groups struggling to find volunteers, having difficulty filling seats at events and failing to get...
If you walked into room W184 at #ASAE18, you would have found the chairs out-of-whack, music in the air, interesting snippets of innovation in action on a rotating slide deck and lots of buzz. At the end of the 90-minutes, you would have discovered that hacking our...
Ernie Smith shared four lessons he sees in his Association’s Now post on craft breweries and chapters. What Ernie is doing is underscoring two salient points: (1) the traditional model for chapters needs refreshing and (2) we need only look beyond associations...
One of the most talked about sessions at 2018 PRSA Maryland Conference held on June 12 featured four top thought leaders on influencer communications. On stage we had three influencers, two of whom are also in the PR/Communications profession, and an influencer...
We do a lot work in the area of strengthening components aka chapters. So many times, we are asked to “help them do their job better”. We’ve tried – and in several cases succeeded – in helping associations shift that request to “help them create the job they can do”....