Mixed Messages

The subject line caught me. We Miss You!

I didn’t realize that I had been out of the loop or missing. So I read further.

The first paragraph pulled me in with the note that my last visit was in July. Wow, didn’t realize that – but they did. Cool.

Also I didn’t realize that I could sync up in so many ways. I haven’t logged in because I never think to go back to the computer post work-out – boy do they have my number!

So I scan further. I find I haven’t missed anything in my community …


While You Were Away   

The MapMyFITNESS Community has been busy since your last workout:
– Total Miles: None
– Total Workouts Logged None
– Total Calories Burned: None
– Total Routes: None


Then I go back up to the salutation (which I skipped at first) and it says “Hi friend,”.

So yes they want me back but they didn’t quite finish the ask. They guessed correctly that I would be surprised it had been that long and that one reason may be convenience. They gave me a solution. But then they tried to make the case I was missing a vibrant community only since I hadn’t really logged into one, all the merge fields came up empty.

This reminds me of what so many national associations do when they tout for example “More than 100 US-based Chapters … that enrich your membership …” and then I go to the first chapter meeting and the promise evaporates.

Before you hit that next send button on the membership outreach email – read it first.

I strive to live by the under-promise, over-deliver mantra – any you?