12 Gifts for Cast-Short, Recession-Weary Work Places from Rosabeth Moss Kanter is a quick, solution-filled, fun piece that puts people before gifts.
Prompted us at Mariner to brainstorm for a few others …
- Ask everyone to put a crazy idea into a hat and then pick one each month (or quarter) to try out (great way to kick up the innovative streak in your office).
- Give a late arrival pass that can be redeemed anytime in the new year.
- Institute a floating holiday policy and put aside one typical holiday (say president’s day or Columbus day if you follow those) as a day that can be taken at any time. Bonus is that your office is operational for that day.
- Extend the gifting to members by adding one month to their membership for every 5 years of continuous membership.
- Bring in a massage therapists to do seated massages for the day.
- Instead of a holiday party, give that time off to attend to holiday chores and errands.
- Have a virtual volunteer party where you recognize accomplishments.
What are your ideas??