In our last post on partnering for volunteer success, we touched on 2 ways you can enhance your relationship with your volunteers – by serving as a valuable resource and as a subject matter expert. Here are three (3) more ways that can set you on the right path…...
Association staff play a vital role as bridge builders, connecting the organization and its volunteers. Their job is twofold: to communicate the organization’s mission to volunteers while also ensuring the volunteers’ needs and perspectives are shared with...
Question: How do you know if your chapter program is truly healthy? And how do you diagnose areas in which your chapter network needs repair? Ok, that’s two questions, but the dilemma still stands. If you can’t visually identify what’s working and what’s not working...
Number 1 pain point I’ve heard in all my chapter visits and chapter trainings over the last 18 months (more than 200 chapters!): volunteer succession. As in finding volunteers, keeping volunteers, engaging volunteers. Which brings me to the point of this post:...
Where Boards Should Put Their Focus in 2024 by Mark Athitakis of Association Now is a must-read for association pros and association volunteers. As I read it, I thought immediately of a number of actions many associations could take. Here are the key points from the...
From the minds and hearts of CRPs comes wisdom on being a superstar component professional. We asked association execs via LinkedIn, email and conversations for their advice, and here’s a sampling of what we heard. I’ll start though with an observation from Carey...