See a Chapter Bright Spot? Propagate It!

See a Chapter Bright Spot? Propagate It!

The perennial favorite event of chapters, golf tournaments, needed a make-over in 2020. Interestingly in many states, including Mariner’s home state Maryland, golf courses were able to re-open in the first phase with some restrictions, albeit critical ones for golf...
Building Volunteer Success through Feedforward

Building Volunteer Success through Feedforward

Once upon a time, there was a passionate volunteer committee chair. Thanks to Covid, this committee was reinventing its activity and had a compressed timeline. The challenge was making the most of the virtual committee meetings. It called for strong facilitation...
Have a coachlike conversations with your volunteers

Have a coachlike conversations with your volunteers

So now that we’ve learned how to approach difficult conversations as opportunities rather than obstacles to avoid, how can we take those lessons further and apply them to conversations with our most precious resource … our volunteers? In her 2020 CEX presentation...
Hard conversations aren’t about finding perfection

Hard conversations aren’t about finding perfection

Would you agree the world is in a state of turmoil and just shifting through the cacophony of noise and emotions can be daunting? Throw in the prospect of needing to have that difficult conversation with a volunteer, staff member, colleague etc., and it’s a wonder we...
Setting Chapters Up for Change

Setting Chapters Up for Change

For many the new year brings new resolutions most of which are about change. While we focus on the need to change, we sometimes skip over setting ourselves up for change. This can be doubly so when we look at change in our associations and in our chapters. This is...
10 Reasons to Attend CEX

10 Reasons to Attend CEX

CEX isn’t your typical association conference. And it isn’t for everyone. It’s a one-day deep dive into all things “geographic components.” It’s for association exec who have or are thinking of building geographic components. The deep dive isn’t a series of break-out...