The Power of 20

The Power of 20

Passing our 20th anniversary got us thinking about the meaning of 20. (Check out Wikipedia which shares that it is the third magic number in physics, or numerology where we find it’s the law of attraction number.) Along the way, we found examples of the power of 20....
Volunteer Leader Sessions that Lead to Action

Volunteer Leader Sessions that Lead to Action

This past year saw a return to in-person volunteer leadership training. This means we’re all back to figuring out how to make those annual chapter leadership workshops, volunteer trainings and sharing sessions impactful.  Let’s do a refresh on these...
A Top 20 List of Top 20 Lists

A Top 20 List of Top 20 Lists

We’re doing our Top 20 list a bit different this month by offering links to other Top 20 lists. Just invest 20 minutes (longer if you have the time) and come away with some new knowledge, insights and, hopefully, a smile or two. Here you go! 20 Things You Didn’t Know...
New Year – Time for a Reset

New Year – Time for a Reset

As we turn the page to a new year, we have the opportunity to leave things back in 2021 and start fresh on others in 2022. Here are a few resources to get that reset buzz going … 8 Steps to Design an Effective Nonprofit Board Training Program | Wild Apricot/Personify...
Building pathways to leadership

Building pathways to leadership

*Part 3 of a 3-part series on creating a volunteer learning journey. In our first post, we introduced a way to shift your volunteer training to one that focuses on the person not the position. Our second post talked about how to build a volunteer matrix based on the 5...