As we turn the page to a new year, we have the opportunity to leave things back in 2021 and start fresh on others in 2022. Here are a few resources to get that reset buzz going …
- 8 Steps to Design an Effective Nonprofit Board Training Program | Wild Apricot/Personify – just seat a new board or need to reset your current board? Tatiana Morand offers some ideas. Check out step 5 which echos what we’ve been saying – break down training for volunteers in shorter chunks (we’d go shorter than the example’s 90-min).
- Shift from Training to Coaching for Volunteers | Mariner/Billhighway – check out this virtual idea swap on Coaching Chapter Leader for Success. The tips are versatile for any volunteer. Head over to our inspiration, Laurie Reuben of Cheshire Consulting, to dive deeper in coaching.
- Let’s tell our story. Check out the #PowerOfAssociation story page featuring powerful stories from associations. Great ideas for updating yours and what if we invited chapters to do the same and our chapter page wasn’t a bunch of links but a collection of stories?
- Hit a refresh on how we build volunteer community in remote/virtual volunteers | Tobi Johnson’s post is packed with ideas. One of my favs is the list of engagement ideas.
- Evolve our associations | Answers for Associations offers a true gift to the association community drawing insight from around the globe, Associations Evolve: 2022 and Beyond.
- Tag this go-too list of websites | BethZ, our nerdy best friend has done it again with a post that it’s inspiring in two ways. First, it’s a list to troubleshoot 2022 and second, she’s showing off a great tool to aggregate info.
- Finding creativity | IDEOU offers its list of eight best books to inspire your creativity in ’22.
Beyond resources, there are a few upcoming learning ops in January worth sharing since they can help us reset.
- Let’s create volunteer excellence in our associations. Mariner’s Peggy was just part of the ASAE team that recreated the Certificate in Association Management as a virtual program that includes a deep dive on volunteerism in associations. Just launching in January, you can sign up for one day or all.
- Winter Tapas – an experiment in tasting association topics hosted by QiqoChat, you’ll tap into eight topics over 90-minutes. Small fee, but I have some free tickets so ping me. In one session, you can check out a social wrapper for Zoom & MS Teams while picking the brains of association pros.
- Chapter Benchmarking Unwrapped is a three-part series exploring the 2021 Chapter Benchmarking study which included association staff, association CEOs and chapter leaders. It’s a January gift from Mariner/Billhighway!