New Year – Time for a Reset

As we turn the page to a new year, we have the opportunity to leave things back in 2021 and start fresh on others in 2022. Here are a few resources to get that reset buzz going …

Beyond resources, there are a few upcoming learning ops in January worth sharing since they can help us reset.

  • Let’s create volunteer excellence in our associations. Mariner’s Peggy was just part of the ASAE team that recreated the Certificate in Association Management as a virtual program that includes a deep dive on volunteerism in associations. Just launching in January, you can sign up for one day or all.
  • Winter Tapas – an experiment in tasting association topics hosted by QiqoChat, you’ll tap into eight topics over 90-minutes. Small fee, but I have some free tickets so ping me.  In one session, you can check out a social wrapper for Zoom & MS Teams while picking the brains of association pros.
  • Chapter Benchmarking Unwrapped is a three-part series exploring the 2021 Chapter Benchmarking study which included association staff, association CEOs and chapter leaders. It’s a January gift from Mariner/Billhighway!
