I was leaving the gym this morning when I encountered a trio on the elevator. The young man looking down at sandal-clad feet said to me “my mother has bunions too.” His mother immediately shushed him and turned to apologize as I laughed and said and “she probably...
I recently spoke with a chapter volunteer leader who’s willing to give it a try but about ready to throw it all in. Do you want to know why? Well it seems that the bar for getting on the chapter leadership is how many years you’ve put in not performance. When she...
Start Something. Start a conversation … with a colleague, a member, a neighbor Start a journal … use Word or OneNote or Evernote or blogging platform Start to follow … someone different on Twitter or Instagram or Pinterest Start to tweet … maybe start with Twitter...
Let’s tell the truth about volunteers. We know through research and practice that volunteering is changing but even the trends toward micro and virtual volunteering don’t change many truths. #30 Tell me when I’ve screwed up (privately) or when I find out...
Let us spread the word: thank-you. For when we do, we show appreciation, caring, empathy, love and kindness. And so Peter, Carol and I say Thank-you! Psst – wondering if the hypen is right? Check Grammar Girl.
The latest from Grammar Girl is a question about using “alright” versus “all right.” Of course, there is no debate among grammar experts and usage guides alike … “alright” is not all right to use. So why mention this here? Because at the end,...