I actually spent six hours hooked up to a livecast, headset and Twitter today so I could be “in the room” for #UnTech10, the unsession that kept the spirit and learning planned for ASAE‘s 2010 Technology Conference alive.The energy was high and the learning great. Was was even greater was being a part of a great social media experiment and in on the sidelines to witness a great volunteer effort.
The social media experiment proved that with technology, you can weather lots of bumps even when those bumps are 3 ft of snow in a town not used to coping with blizzards. But what also made it work was the patience of the attendees and the wisdom of the crowd to see all the great things about this and not fret the annoyances.
Witnessing the volunteer effort, reminded me that volunteer’s given creative license can build mountains. But also, if they are associated with association in that endeavor, even though you aren’t officially sponsoring the endeavor, you still win. Many times through the day, ASAE was recognized – recognized as not getting in the way, recognizes as being the force that really was our connection, and recognized in that its was our collective community of ASAE members.
Part II – which is all virtual – opens tomorrow at 9am with a session on Microsoft 2010 & Sharepoint. Check out the schedule and join in – its all free.
Check out the Twitter feed at #UnTech10 for a peak at the learning from part I.