Yes, we can and we’ve talked to a couple of associations who are doing it! Associations like National Association of Home Builders, Public Relations Society of America, American Optometric Association, American Nurses Association, American Library Association, Association for Talent Development, National Association of the Remodeling Industry, National Association of Tax Professionals, and American Society of Landscape Architects.
To share one example, PRSA has an annual “triple play” promotion. It’s the best membership promo of the year and it captures the excitement and involvement of chapters. The deal is
FREE 1-yr Chapter (up to $100 value) +
FREE 1-yr Section (not including Counselors Academy or New Pros) +
FREE initiation fee ($65 value) or FREE reinstatement fee ($35 value)
I know here at PRSA Maryland, we jump in with enthusiasm to partner on this promo. (Hey know a PR person who’s looking to join a great association to connect with people, education and resources? Tell ‘em to act before 10/31!)
In each story we’re sharing, the associations feel chapters can play a key role in membership and revenue growth. And we’re sharing their stories in a free webinar September 19. This is all part of the Billhighway/Mariner partnership to bring component pros together to learn from each other!
Join us on the 19th or check out the recording after the fact.
#LeverageChapters #GotChapters