What’s the outlook for in-person chapter events in 2021 and how do we help chapter leaders decide whether to host an in-person, hybrid, or virtual event?
For nearly a year, CRPs and chapter leaders have focused on virtual. As the vaccine rolls out across the country, the focus is shifting to when can we have in-person meetings (and indeed some have already had them). But should chapters plan on in-person meetings this year? Can they provide a safe experience? Will members be ready? What about hybrid—the word on everyone’s mind? Is that a viable possibility?
Like you, we had more questions than answers so we tapped one of the brightest minds we know on association and chapter events. Join us for our free webinar on March 24 12pm ET as we provide expert advice on how to help chapters make the right event decisions.
Register for Chapter Events and earn one CAE unit.
Missed past webinars? Last month we chatted about chapter relevance and last year we touched on key topics like virtual meetings, membership development, tech tools and more. Catch up today!
Hosted by Billhighway and Mariner Management.