Cultivating chapters is a tough gig but there were great ideas shared throughout 2013 to make the gig a little better. Here are a few that I bookmarked. Enjoy and let me know what I’m missing!
Want Your Members Opinions on Strategies? Ask Them. – AIGA, the professional association for design, had a big decision to make and as with all big decisions it came with plenty of controversy. That’s where its chapters came in … chapters and members were the catalyst for change and drawn in as partners in change.
Mountain Bikers Unite Local Society Affiliates with National Association – A local organization saw the value of a national partner and made the decision to become a chapter. Their decision highlights how national organizations can add value to local groups.
Into the Wild on the Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s Beat – Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s success is tied to its network of clubs and volunteers offering a story with a moral for many national organizations.
Insight into Multi-chapter Relationships – “What do chapters and HQ really want from one another?” is one question Wild Apricot looks at in their Multi-Chapter Benchmarking Survey report.
Components and the Race To Membership – Erik Schonher, Marketing General and Trevor Mitchell, CAE, ARMA International set out to take a look at the role (read=value) of components in building your membership and shared 10 tips in their white paper.
Artomatic Diaries, A Living Social Media Case Study –
Why did this make the list? Well it’s an awesome case study from Maddie Grant for a local group – just waiting to be replicated by one of your chapters!
Micro-volunteering Builds Loyalty at Events – Association’s Now included a story featuring some of Mariner’s association’s success in reshaping volunteering (member log-in req’d).
From the Mariner Blog …
Why Annual Chapter Performance Evaluation Fails
Volunteering In Action (a case study on one chapter’s success)
Are your chapter leaders not getting it?
Ditch the ladder (& the committee)
Driving Association Component Success with Dashboards (slidedeck from popular ASAE session Peter co-led)