Over on Association Marketing Springboard, Lindy Dreyer wrote about another self-forming group concept. Looks like more people (okay associations) are doing this. This one is from InfoComm International, a non-profit association serving the professional AV communications industry worldwide.
Shana Rieger, the social media program manager, shared with Lindy their story which is basically focused around launching a site, InfoComm Community, to help introduce Special Interest Groups. By the end of the summer they had over 300 subscriptions to eGroups which now number ten SIG eGroups with over 500 subscriptions. In a nutshell, the InfoComm Community allows individuals to connect online with other professionals in the AV industry, write blogs, find resources and join online Special Interest Groups.
Have you tried casting to see what can happen?
PS: check out their InfoComm Community page for a great example of how to promote association pages on LinkedIn and Facebook.