Putting together the final pieces with co-presenters Chip Deale and Kimberly Fischer for our ASAE & The Center Connecting 08 session Chapter & National Databases: Do They or Don’t They Interface and it occurred to me that despite the connectivity available we’re still islands in so many ways. Just putting together this session, I’ve learned about CFA Institute and Promotional Products Association International cool data interfaces that I wasn’t aware of previously. During the session on Tuesday, August 19 at 2:15 PST we’ll have just 75 minutes to show three data-sharing samples. Let’s make this the start of the conversation and continue it going here.
The session discussion will focus on the importance and the how-to of sharing data between the national office and the chapter. CFA has a robust system aptly named a Society Data Center. It offers soups to nuts services and because its a shared system — seamless data exchange. PPAI’s system is similar and simpler in menu. The basis is the same – making data available in both directions.
At Mariner, we’re working with chapters who for the most part don’t have the online accessibility. So, we’ve created a MS Access database that facilitates simple data importing and exporting.
Following Tuesday’s session, I’ll share more details on all three. But in the meanwhile, what data are you sharing with chapters and what data are you collecting from chapters?