Supercharging your volunteer engagement takes, well, a commitment. A commitment to embracing a vibrant volunteer program that recognizes today’s volunteer’s challenges. Mariner and Whorton Marketing & Research are currently leading an ASAE Foundation study on Achieving Mutually Beneficial Volunteer Relationships which will provide data and insight on effective programs (contact us if you want more information or to participate!). In the meanwhile, we do know some of the answer.
- Build an inclusive volunteering program … this means providing an array of opportunities from ad-hoc to governance.
- Be abundant in reward & recognition … just follow the adage “recognize efforts, reward outcomes”. We tak about this in our post on #NVW and in a webinar with Elizabeth Engel on volunteer appreciation for the Higher Logic Learning Series (you can check out the webinar here).
- Commit to promoting volunteering … make it prominent on your website, talk about it all the time, and be abundant in reward and recognition!
- And a large part if having a comprehensive strategy. Here is a resource on volunteer management and check out this Higher Logic tip sheet on Supercharging your volunteerism featuring Elizabeth and me that captures quite a few additional ideas.
How do you supercharge your volunteers?