Rebecca Leaman’s post on Wild Apricot blog got a number of us (including my post on E-harmony for Volunteers) started in reflecting on quizzes for volunteers. We are always looking for ways to reach out and engage members as volunteers. Quizzes give us another way of doing that but Robert Rosenthal challenges us to look at where these quizzes drop would-be volunteers off in his post Turning Prospects into Happy Volunteers. That’s a good question and he gives us a example to consider with the WE Tv quiz which takes the volunteer just short of the real destination.
The point of this post though is to direct you to the real destination because its a cool example of how we can aggregate all the volunteer opportunities for our associations into one portal and then match members to opportunities based on interest and geography (and yes think global as well as local). That would really help power our chapters and districts as well as our national needs. I figure this could feed a number of our needs like:
- Strenghtening our brand across the country and the world
- Building engagement at many levels
- Collecting engagement data (or at least interest) on members on the local level
- Building a stronger volunteer database
- Making volunteering more visible – which enhances the retention message on several levels