What would we do without chapter volunteers? They’re our everything! Year after year, volunteers step up, take on chapter leadership roles, then step aside for the next set of leaders.
But what if no one wants to step up? What about when things don’t go as planned? Deadlines and expectations fall short. Staff often don’t have any alternative but to step in and save the day! The impact can be overwhelming. How do we ensure our volunteers have what they need to contribute? How can we inspire them?
Join us on Wednesday, December 15 @ 12 p.m. ET where we’ll collaborate on essential coaching skills to attract new volunteers and keep the ones we have motivated on the path to success. Come to share your lessons learned, ideas tried, and solutions found.
As always, the conversation is open, and the cost is only your time. Our goal is to strengthen the CRP community, so we hope you’ll join us!
Register for Coaching Chapter Leaders for Success today!
Missed past webinars? Past webinars have touched on the volunteer learning journey, targeted benchmarking, chapter relevance, virtual meetings, tech tools and more. Catch up today!
Hosted by Billhighway and Mariner Management.