Shifting from product to service, the c’s of successful teams, examining
your website, your LinkedIn profile and your membership recruitment
lanaguage … from my reading list.
I have a reoccurring task in Outlook calendar entitled “Reading & Research”. It’s the way I make sure I carve some time each day to just check out by feeds and sometimes just to wander. This past month, this task has netted a variety of interesting reads.
- The Key Habit of Highly Effective Teams by Justin Rosenstein, Co-Founder of Asana, offered a “word for the day” for those aspiring to lead effective team this year: clarity. He talks about Clarity of Purpose, Clarity of Plan, and Clarity of Responsibility.
- The Product-Service Shift – Transforming Your Operating Model was written by Geoffrey Moore for the corporate sector but it hits home for those of us in associations this this observation: Service customers don’t want features, they want outcomes. He encourages you to engage your team in a language acid bath
experiment to root out as many product-centric phrases as a key step in shifting your model. - 15 Things to Stop Doing at Your Association in 2015 from @MemberClicks offered a few note-worthy items like: Repeating the same old benefits as a reason to join; Networking is not a reason to join. Your members can get that from LinkedIn for free. What else are you giving or doing for them? How are you solving their problems? That’s what you need to sell.
- The Membership Marketing Blog: 10 Tips for Increasing Stickiness of Your Membership reminds us among other suggestions to increase the number of contacts and relationships you have within a member’s organization.
- Easy ways to refresh your website for the new year from @MemberClicks sent me to my website for a check-up. While it’s focused on MemberClick websites, the advice from checking your copyright on the footer to swapping photos is smart.
- Another posting, this a share from my fav Twitter source, Jeff Hurt sent me checking my LinkedIn Profile. Are you guilty of using any of The 10 Worst Words
to Use in Your LinkedIn Profile? - Sometimes by wandering nets cool ideas like the page on the NJSCPA website with offers a cool way to position association volunteer opportunities.
What have you read lately?