The 2020 Census has been in the news for many reasons. Many are talking about. And some are taking that talk to action. Some 19 associations joined over a 100 nonprofits to sign on in support of Senators Schatz (D-HI), Murkowski (R-AK), and others bipartisan resolution encouraging participation in the census.
Plot your association’s response to the call for action by visiting the Council of Nonprofits. They have a detailed resource page and explain in a post the role that nonprofits can take. Yes, its legal. You can also download a Census action tool kit, which would be an easy share to help chapters get involved.
And speaking of chapters – the census is all about grassroots. Its neighborhoods. That’s where chapters can be instrumental. We’re hearing about chapters from many different associations finding their call to action. Chapters in the American Library Association, American Planning Association and American Academy of Pediatrics are among those taking action.
- American Library Association and its chapters jumped in with strong support because “Our public libraries—connected to their communities and relatively ubiquitous—can and will be critical partners in getting this important work done well, and fairly.” New York Library Association provides an in-depth resource page with a strong campaign to engage libraries. They also offered workshops including one on “Getting ‘Hard-to-Count’ Communities Counted in the 2020 Census.
- Texas Planning Association and the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials are keeping the census in the forefront of members through resource pages and activities.
- San Diego County Grant Professionals Association chapter presented a US Census Bureau workshop to help members understand the importance and the value of using the data.
- Taking action on the census ties to APA’s mission in human terms. The 2010 census missed almost 1 million children under age 5; most undercounted were children in immigrant families and children who are Hispanic, African American, Native American or other minorities. Officials predict the undercount could rise resulting in a potential loss of billions of dollars annually to critical programs for children including Medicaid, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and early childhood services. Three APA chapters rolled up their sleeves to make a difference. In Illinois they launched a campaign to encourage pediatricians throughout the state to write op-eds to newspapers and will provide talking points, census data and technical assistance. In Alabama, they are partnering with VOICES for Alabama’s Children to develop and distribute posters and in Texas, they are connecting with Texas Educators in Advocacy and Community Health (TEACH) Network on efforts.
Encouraging and assisting Chapters in serving their members and communities expands the reach and impact of associations. Plus, it engages members in meaningful work.
How are your chapters giving back – to their profession, their members and their communities?
#PowerofA alive in how we #LeverageChapters.
Image by Mary Pahlke, Pixabay
Note: this post updated 1/20/2020