It’s February and now that you’ve had a full month to reflect on the past year while planning for the new one, how are you feeling? Are you still excited about the promises and opportunities that await you? Or is there a nagging feeling that something could/will go wrong? We certainly hope it’s the first one, but in case there’s a little bit of the second lingering there, we wanted to share Community Roundtable’s Three Quick Community Wins for January.
It’s a great piece on how to create a simple to-do list of three easy, quick tasks to help you take stock of how things are going (there’s one for February too). You can use their suggestions or come up with your own 3 quick wins. If possible, do one each (or every other) month by changing focus, i.e., check in with your components one month; find ways to practice a bit of organizational self-care the next. Give it a try and let us know how you’re doing.
Now for some truly exciting news … the dates of CEX 2.0* have been confirmed and you get to choose from one of two dates/locations: Tuesday, May 7, ADA Conference Center in Chicago or Friday, May 10, AGU Conference Center in Washington DC. And for those that just can’t get away … DC will also offer a virtual option. More details and registration coming soon.
*The Association Component Exchange (CEX) is the only conference designed exclusively for component relations professionals (CRPs). CEX is a one day forum for association professionals who manage, nurture, and work with chapters to share successes, struggles, strategies, and innovations with your peers!